The Gemini Break-Out Sinker evolved in trying to answer the basic compromise of sinkers in general; combining aero-dynamic requirements (casting far enough to reach the fish) with good anchorage capabilities (to hold the sea bed in the prevailing tidal flow).
The Gemini answer is a modular system, combining sinkers moulded to the required weight with a protruding thread, onto which a range of gripped heads and accessories are attached. With this system, it is possible to create the right weight for the conditions.
The Gemini Breakout system have different colours on their breakout heads and are simply another feature which can help as a colour coding system which can help you know at a glance which weight sinker you are using. e.g. you might use the red heads on all your 3 oz weights, blue on all your 4oz, black on all your 5oz weights etc
The unique design of the Gemini Break-Out sinker has distinct advantages over conventional break-out grip sinkers, other than the inter-changeability of the heads. Because the nose cone places the grips in front of the mass of the lead sinker, the centre of gravity is altered, bearing greater pressure on the grips into the sea bed.
Only one leg of the sinker needs to break-away instead of two to help aid in easier retrieval.
The flight aero-dynamics of the Gemini Sinker is amazing….super straight, (without the spiraling often encountered with other sinkers) leading to longer distance casting!
The unique Gemini Design allows the four individual grips to be precisely tensioned on the extremely hard wearing plastic head.
Unique nose cones gives positive tension and release of grips (Adjustable - you decide tension)
All wire is stainless steel.
Grips are removable - (will pack in tackle box tangle free)
(Left) Protruding thread onto which you can screw on a range of sinker heads. e.g. long grips, short grips or plain nose cones.
The 'bolt on extra's' make the Gemini Sinker System the most versatile in the world. By using the range of accessories, it will allow you to adjust your weights to suit your fishing.
(Left) Plain nose cone screwed on for use as a rolling sinker