Sliding Ledger Rig
Tackle Tactics
Sliding Ledger Rig
This rig incorporates a link clip at the top for easy linking to your mainline swivel, and another link clip at the bottom for ease of handling when attaching your sinker.
Designed with the intentions of catching the shyer biting fish such as snapper. The trace will slide along the leader part of the rig when the fish bites alllowing the fish to think that he is safe to bite harder before halting on a stop which will automatically set the hook in the fish's mouth! 60lb Trace, 80lb backbone, Size 4/0 Recurve with 2/0 Keeper Hook. Complete with a Gemini Big Bait Rig Clip for streamlined casting to help you get that extra distance when required and helps stop your bait from flapping and spinning around in the air causing resistance.